In an interview A.Mundt gave recently in a German daily newspaper, he talked about the new challenges and projects ahead of the Bundeskartellamt. He mentioned as first project in the newly added function of the BKartA : the consumer protection, to improve abuses/ drawbacks in the context of consumer protection and the internet. In particular comparisons searched for by users/ consumers and drawn on the internet interest the BKartA, raising the doubts if the consumers are actually served with the “best “ results. Google may be one search machine to come under scrutiny.
The possibility is very likely, as the German administration has opened a procedure against Facebook regarding an abuse of its dominant position to continue to collect and use data of FB users, as they have until today. German rules allow to adopt an administrational procedure to come rapidly to a conclusion.
The first results of the Facebook procedure in front of the German authority may come out as early as end of 2017.